Barrister Nkongho Honours Late Benjamin: We will never stop fighting for freedom

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Benjamin Amin was one of those brutally gunned down by La Republique barbaric forces on 1st October. He was buried today in Kumba, Economic Capital of Southern Cameroons. Barrister NKongho, President of the now banned Consortium attended the burial to pay his last respect while promising late Benjamin that his life will instill in us the thirst to continue fighting for freedom and recognition. Read on his Eulogy:

Our brothers and sisters – the world thank you for sharing Benjamin Amin Ndemaze with us. His struggle was your struggle and his triumph was your triumph.

Benjamin Amin was one of those brutally gunned down by La Republique barbaric forces on 1st October. He was buried today in Kumba, Economic Capital of Southern Cameroons. Barrister NKongho, President of the now banned Consortium attended the burial to pay his last respect while promising late Benjamin that his life will instill in us the thirst to continue fighting for freedom and recognition. Read on his Eulogy:

Our brothers and sisters – the world thank you for sharing Benjamin Amin Ndemaze with us. His struggle was your struggle and his triumph was your triumph.


Late Benjamin Amin-RIP BRO

Raised by a lovely and humble family, educated by one of the best colleges on our soil, inspired to seek further knowledge abroad, a man of deep religious faith with friends of quality who all enjoined him in dreaming of a better nation. His quest for love led him to return to Kumba his hometown to spend time with the amazing family that raised him. Trained as an IT Technician, only to fall down to the cold hands of death from bullets of soldiers on a quest to suppress freedoms and rights of a people.

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We had the opportunity to spend time with his grieving mother Helene, his sister Lucy, Leo his amazing brother and Pa Amin his father, who are all still in shock. We reminded them that we are mourning together with them.

This is a moment when we must all come together, strengthen our bonds and never let go of our resolve.
Never should we let injustice, marginalisation, assimilation, and a brutal unprofessional military take away a single life of our brothers or sister again.

Rest in peace Benjamin, you remain in our hearts forever!

ByJames Agbor

