Cameroon Government hires US « Public Strategy » firm, Mercury, for media and lobbying support. The contract is for 12 months, with the Omnicom.The Omnicom agency started working with Cameroon this month.

Interesting that according to the docs filed with US govt under FARA, the contract is actually through a local Cameroonian company called TOPCOM SA wholly owned by Mr Alioum Ibrahim. It is managed by Sellem Jonathan Simon Urbain and Roger Fuh Atancho. Anyone know of this company?

Cameroon’s government has brought on Mercury for media and
lobbying support. Mercury began working with Cameroon on August 1, according to documents filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.[embeddoc url= » » width= »100% » download= »all » viewer= »google »]

The contract is for 12 months, with the Omnicom agency earning a fee of $100,000 per month, along with a one-time $5,000 fee for legal and filing costs to provide lobbying and media relations support, according to the filing. Mercury was hired to represent Cameroon on behalf of TopCom S.A., an organization based in Cameroon’s capital Yaoundé.

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