The CPD condemns the killing of students by gunmen in Ekondo Titi and calls for a global inquiry

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The CPD firmly condemns the killing of students by gunmen in Ekondo Titi and recalls that authors of barbarism in the NW-SW will sooner or later be judged for their crimes!

The Cameroon Patriotic Diaspora (CPD) has learned with deep sadness the killing on November 24, by gunmen, of three students and a teacher, at the Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) – Ekondo Titi in the South-West Region.

The authors of these crimes should be aware that impunity is not an option and that all the perpetrators and sponsors of crimes in this war, whatever their affiliation, must be brought to justice, now or later.

After Ngarbuh in February 2020, Kumba in October 2020, Buea in October 2021, and Bamenda a few days ago, three other children are victims of this senseless war in Ekondo Titi!

Peut être une image de 1 personne et enfant

It is totally unacceptable that children in pursuit of knowledge are repeatedly targeted and trapped in an absurd conflict that they neither wanted nor provoked. Schools are and should remain sanctuaries that must be protected by all belligerents in the ongoing conflict in the NW-SW regions and none of our children should be killed on their way to school.

In regard to the current situation, theExecutive Board of the Cameroon Patriotic Diaspora (CPD):

  1. Presents its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the killings at GBHS Ekondo-Titi, wishes a prompt recovery to the injured, and bows to the memory of all the victims of violence in the NW-SW regions 
  2. Strongly and unreservedly condemns this unwarranted massacre of innocent children and a teacher in Ekondo-Titi and shouts ‘Enough is enough’. Our Organization is convinced that nothing can justify this dull war and the sufferings inflicted on civilians in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon over the past five years
  3. Requests a global inquiry on all human rights abuses in the NW-SW since the beginning of the conflict to identify the perpetrators and bring them in front of the national/international jurisdictions 
  4. Calls once again for an immediate ceasefire and appeals to all the active forces of the Nation to push for a cessation of hostilities between the armed groups and the Cameroonian defense forces
  5. Reiterates its vision of an inclusive national dialogue involving all the forces of Cameroon, with a view to examining the various cultural, health, political, economic, social, and security crises that our country is going through at this time
  6. Calls on UNICEF to urgently address the situation of children in the NW-SW regions who are taken hostage by the belligerents and have become collateral victims of the armed conflict
Lire aussi:   Cameroun-Accusé de se décaper la peau, Samuel Eto’o réagit

Paris, 25th November 2021

The Executive Committee 

of the Cameroon Patriotic Diaspora (CPD)
